vivo today unveiled the new V19 Neo in the Philippines. V19 Neo comes with an innovative Ultra O Screen design which provides consumers with a whole new viewing experience beyond their imagination. Housed with a total of 5 professional-grade cameras on the front and back, V19 Neo helps consumers to ignite their night and allows them to shoot everyday life. Completing its futuristic design with brilliant colors and a glossy finish, the V19 Neo is the ultimate answer for what the young and stylish consumers are searching for.
“V19 Neo represents our understanding of today’s consumers’ needs and it is an innovation which we are extremely proud of. The 5-camera design, together with the Ultra O Screen, provides consumers with a brand-new photo-taking and viewing experience. V19 Neo will also help consumers to ignite their night with the advanced night shooting abilities,” said Charisma Buan, vivo PR team lead. “The creation of V19 Neo once again showcases our strong consumer-centric innovation approach and reinforces our position as a pioneer in bringing best-in-class mobile experiences to the Philippines.”
Latest Ultra O Screen design opens the door to a brave new world
V19 Neo features an innovative Super AMOLED Ultra O Screen with the industry’s slimmest in-display front camera design. The 6.44-inch FHD+ display houses 2.98mm wide super-clear front camera, providing a trendy and futuristic look without sacrificing the viewing experience. The customized next-gen Super AMOLED display features an aspect ratio of 20:9, bringing vibrant and authentic colors and filtering out 92.5% of blue light and boasts SGS Eye Care Display certification.
The smartphone also comes with vivo’s industry-leading In-Display Fingerprint Scanning Technology. With its higher fingerprint pixel density and more sophisticated algorithms, it allows consumers to unlock the smartphone safely and easily.