Air-purifying smart mask may be able to eliminate germs, viruses

smart mask

The new LG PuriCare Wearable mask. Image: courtesy of LG via AFP Relaxnews

In the run-up to this year’s IFA tradeshow in Berlin, which is set to run Sept. 3 to 5, LG has announced that it will be presenting a wearable smart mask that filters air pollution and may also eliminate germs and viruses.

The air-purifying mask is equipped with two H13 HEPA filters, which can be removed and replaced as needed. In fact, when this is the case, the mask sends a notification directly to the wearer’s smartphone via a special mobile application.

With the new mask, the company claims that users will be comfortably able to breathe air that is clean and healthy for a period of up to eight hours.

Along with filters, the device is equipped with ultraviolet LEDs to kill germs, and it is also able to adjust to the volume of air inhaled and exhaled by the user, with twin fans that speed up and slow down to facilitate easy breathing.

For added convenience, the mask’s integrated battery can also be recharged directly in the special case that will ship with the device.

With regard to its environmental impact, the company is keen to point out that all of the components in the PuriCare Wearable, from the filters to the headband, can easily be replaced and are fully recyclable.

As it stands, no availability or pricing information has been announced for the new mask, which is expected to go on sale in late 2020. IB/JB


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