INEC secures Bantayan emergency power with bigger fuel storage

Isla Norte Energy Corporation (INEC) has installed additional fuel storage to ensure reliable and stable power supply to the service area of the Bantayan Electric Cooperative (BANELCO).

“The fuel tank with a capacity of 20,000 liters will provide added security and flexibility in the emergency power supply that INEC provides BANELCO as sometimes delivery of fuel to the islands are hampered by bad weather,” said INEC Vice President Cris C. Fernandez.   

INEC, a partnership between Vivant Energy Corporation and Gigawatt Power Inc., has been contacted by BANELCO to provide emergency power for a year to address any shortage in supply from the electric coop’s current power provider. The generators installed by INEC at the BANELCO compound produce 3 megawatts, nearly half of Bantayan Island’s total demand. 

“INEC provided the additional fuel storage at no additional cost to BANELCO and its member-consumers as part of its commitment to Bantayanons in providing secure and stable power,” Fernandez said.

 INEC is constructing a 23.3-MW diesel power plant that will supply the long-term total power requirement of Bantayan Island. It has been awarded a 15-year contract to supply BANELCO following a successful competitive selection process (CSP).  Its new power plant will be completed in the third quarter of this year.

Vivant Energy and Gigawatt Power have a long partnership of providing reliable and stable power to SPUG, off-grid and on-grid areas.