App-Pinoy: Check out these fun and handy homegrown apps for your device

MMDA (Free, iOS/Android)

What:  If you’ve ever wished for a crystal ball to help navigate through traffic in Metro Manila, this is the closest thing you’ll ever get.  MMDA’s app offers different traffic views (system, map or line), with updates on unusual incidents affecting your normal route.  The app includes most common thoroughfares in the metro.   Be a citizen traffic reporter and share your route’s current status via Twitter.  The recent update also includes traffic fines and penalties so you can properly argue with the traffic officer (no more batting your eyelashes and fake crying).  Now if it could only zap traffic jams into nonexistence.

iManila ($1.99, iOS)

What:  iManila provides you a pocket directory of most commercial establishments.  The app pulls data from and to provide city-specific listings, with in-app calling features and a save to address book option.  The most-used feature of this app (for me at least), is the movie listing tab, where you can see screening schedules and movies showing grouped according to city and cinema.  It’s a handy app to have when scheduling movie nights with friends.

Street Food Tycoon (Free, iOS)

What: If you’ve ever fantasized about earning your street cred through balls, fish or squid, then you have to download this app.  The street food here contains no bacteria, but prepare for it to eat away the hours.  The app is Game Center integrated so you can compete with your friends.  Make sure to keep playing to unlock all achievements and the “celebrity” customers (guess who!).

The Minis (Free, iOS)

Like a teleserye (but funnier), The Minis is an installment of four different mini games.  Though the games are unrelated, they do have the same goofy graphics and fun user interface in common.  Smartypants is a brain-tickling game in the vein of puzzler app The Moron Test.  Jump Rope is for those who’ve wanted to get some finger calisthenics done, just make sure you have impeccable timing.  Those who hate creepy crawlies should avoid Flytrap, but if one of your career dreams as a kid was chief fly-swatter at a carinderia, then be sure to download this one. The fourth mini game is Jumpbot, a jumping platform game that will drive you crazy.

Team Up Word Challenge (Free, iOS)

What:  This “Pinoy Henyo” style game is a must for parties or gatherings.  If you’ve ever screamed at your TV in frustration while watching the actual game show, then this is your chance to prove that you’re better than the students playing, but beware, this game is harder than it looks.   Try to guess the secret word before the timer runs out.

Stars vs Circles ($0.99, iOS)

What:  We oldies used to play this game on pen and paper, but the high-tech kids can experience this old school Mastermind cum Battleship game on your iPhone or iPad.   You and your opponent will draw your stars or circles secretly and try to obliterate each other first by aiming your missile blindly to wipe out each other’s stash of stars/circles.