TikTok strengthens its safety features to protect younger users on the app

TikTok continues to promote a safe and positive app experience for its users through another safety update, this time protecting the younger members of its community. The update brings tightened privacy settings for children’s accounts, limiting the ways that users can interact with them on the app. This added layer of security for under-16 TikTok accounts serves as a way to safeguard children against online crimes, such as child sexual exploitation, which is a growing problem faced by internet users today. 

Below is a quick rundown of the new safety changes to expect from TikTok.

These new changes aim to supplement the app’s existing safety features, which include:

The safety of the online community continues to be a top priority for TikTok, so you can rest assured that you and your family remain secure as you use the app. Enjoy a safe and positive TikTok experience today by downloading the app on your iOS and Android devices.