How to Clean Your Keyboard

You get a lot of dirt and grime on your keyboard as you type for extended periods. That is why you should know how to clean your keyboard. 

It will help you avoid germs and potential sickness. More importantly, regular cleaning makes sure your PC looks its best.

This article will explain the stuff you need to keep your keyboard clean. Then, we will discuss how to use those tools to disinfect your equipment.

What supplies do I need to clean my keyboard?

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You can easily search for keyboard cleaning supplies thanks to the rising popularity of PC gaming. However, these things may seem too expensive for non-gamers.

Fortunately, you probably have cheaper alternatives at home. For example, “how to clean your keyboard” guides always recommend using a brush to sweep dust off.

You could purchase a pop-up brush for roughly ₱150.00to ₱900.00. On the other hand, you could use a spare soft-bristled toothbrush or a 1.5-inch paintbrush.

Speaking of the video game trend, cans of compressed air are a must for gaming PC maintenance. Each costs roughly ₱135.00 to ₱540.00.

You will need a microfiber cloth, which costs roughly ₱15.00 in the Philippines. Later, you will dampen that with water to facilitate cleaning. 

However, you could use isopropyl alcohol instead for better results. Those could set you back ₱194.00 or higher, depending on the bottle size and brand.

You also need cotton buds which cost roughly ₱71.00 to ₱102.00. Moreover, you could order magic erasers online for roughly ‎₱300.00 per pack. 

Those would help get rid of stubborn stains. Alternatively, you could use a regular pencil eraser. Finally, you should get a keycap removal tool if you have a mechanical keyboard. 

Cheap ones cost around ₱102.00, but you should invest in a quality tool. They are usually found in PC accessory sets worth a thousand pesos each. 

How to clean your keyboard

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Begin cleaning your keyboard by switching off your PC. Disconnect the keyboard and remove the cables.

Place your keyboard on another table or desk and gather your cleaning tools. Next, turn the hardware upside down and gently shake it to remove debris.

Use your brush to sweep the dirt loose. Tilt it one way and sweep down the rows. Next, get your compressed air and point the nozzle a few inches away from the keyboard.

Use short bursts, as the harsh gusts of air could damage the equipment. Then, use your brush again to ensure a thorough sweep.

Dampen your microfiber cloth with water or isopropyl alcohol. Then, use it to wipe away stains on your keyboard. Make sure no liquid gets inside!

Pry stubborn gunk with a toothpick. That is the last step on how to clean your keyboard. However, you will need to do more if you have a mechanical keyboard.

Take a photo of your keyboard to return the buttons to the right spots later. Then, get your keycap remover to disconnect the buttons carefully. 

You do not want to buy an entire set just for a broken letter “F!” Prepare a bowl of warm soapy water and a sponge. 

Use them to scrub every key, wipe with a separate cloth, then leave them to dry completely. Afterward, put the keycaps back in their correct places.


Other guides on how to clean your keyboard require expensive equipment. However, you may follow the steps above for more budget-friendly options. 

You could also get a spare keyboard to continue working after cleaning the main one. Alternatively, you could continue your activities on a laptop.

You could pass the time by playing video games or exploring other hobbies. Also, you can follow the latest news and updates by reading more Inquirer Tech articles.