Save the Earth with InfinityLab

Loving the Earth, making the planet carbon-free, and saving the planet are not just our personal goals, but a corporate direction. Companies all over the world have started to make small steps toward attaining that ZERO emission and applying GREEN technology and procedures to create a sustainable environment by 2050. 

Recyclable materials

To start it up, using biodegradable and fully recycled (and recyclable) materials from the production line is the best way from a manufacturing point of view. Imagine, if you use 90% recycled material, you’ve already taken your first step towards saving Mother Earth. 

The built-in charging cables are made from weaved polyester yarn, making it biodegradable over time and leaving no plastic component when disposed properly.

No plastic used in the packaging

Hardened paper and carton products are all you see in the packaging. FSC-certified forest to produce FSC-certified paper, made for non-controversial harvesting.

Just the right sized packaging

Minimalistic in design, space-saving, small footprint; big on savings in moving the items, making it cost-efficient and eco-friendly. 

InfinityLab Earth

InfinityLab chargers don’t just give you the latest charging technology that protects your devices with its Power Distribution and fast charging, it also comes lightweight and simple in design and sturdy in performance. Harman InfinityLab also guarantees that each product is made from eco-friendly recyclable materials, allowing you to contribute to a ZERO emission, CARBON-FREE footprint while adapting to its technology.

InfinityLab Earth

InfinityLab is a sub-product line of the US-based company HARMAN, a pioneer in audio technology that delivers top-notch products for consumers and professional systems.

InfinityLab is the result of eight years of brainstorming and ideation at the HARMAN Innovation Workshop, which made InfinityLab a partner for sustainable and innovative technology.

For any other information you need about InfinityLab, please visit .

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