Unopened iPhone Sold For $63,000 At Auction

Karen Green sold an unopened iPhone in 2007 for a whopping $63,000! LCG Auctions held an online auction for the device starting at $5,000.

The auction house estimated the pristine first-gen iPhone could fetch a $50,000 price tag. Fortunately, the devices fetched a higher price tag. 

Many people have submitted their old iPhones, but Green’s was the only one that fetched a high appraisal value.  LCG Auctions founder Mark Montero said it had “a great story behind it.”m

How did the unopened iPhone gain high value?

Its previous owner Karen Green received it as a gift 15 years ago. She was a Verizon customer, but the device only ran on the AT&T network. 

Consequently, she stored it on a shelf and left it for over a decade. Green first shared the device’s backstory on the Treasure Hunt segment of the syndicated television show “The Doctor & The Diva.”

In 2019, she submitted it to LCG Auctions, which assessed it as worth approximately $50,000.

As mentioned, founder Mark Montero explained that it has a high appraisal value because of its interesting backstory.

Additionally, it has historical significance, so collectors worldwide are willing to pay for the first-ever iPhone model.

It came out in 2007 when most mobile phones had physical keypads. There were touchscreen phones, but they were bulky and clunky.

Most people were content with these cumbersome devices for daily use. However, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs saw that people needed something more advanced. 

The internet was becoming more prevalent during the 2000s, so Jobs thought the public needed devices to help them use it for more purposes. 

In 2007, Jobs offered his groundbreaking solution to the world, an “internet communicator” called the iPhone.

It quickly became Apple’s most successful product. More importantly, it forever changed how we communicate with each other. 

Other brands eventually offered touchscreen phones, allowing everyone worldwide to access the internet anywhere and anytime.

It is why you can access social media and enjoy other apps from the palm of your hand. You’re probably reading this on your iPhone!


Karen Green posted her unopened iPhone for online auction two weeks ago. Now, she sold it for $63,000 to a lucky buyer.

Have you checked your old knick-knacks? You may have a rare gadget that may fetch a fortune! Otherwise, you can sell some to declutter your home and make cash.

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