LinkedIn AI Generates User Profiles and Job Listings

The job hunting and posting website LinkedIn now uses GPT-3.5 and 4 to write recruitment ads and personalized profiles, respectively.

As a result, the website harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to become more effective and convenient for users.

Aside from these recent additions, LinkedIn launched AI-powered Collaborative Articles last week that create more content based on conversation starters.

What are the latest LinkedIn AI features?

The latest LinkedIn AI features comes from Chief Product Officer Tomer Cohen. He explained the company’s intensified adoption of artificial intelligence.

“We’re actively exploring numerous promising opportunities to create unique value and innovation,” the CPO said.

That is why he announced the platform would use AI to create personalized writing suggestions for job descriptions and user profiles.

The company’s main clients are recruiters, so it wants more ways to improve user experience. Thus, LinkedIn AI uses GPT-3.5 to generate job listings.

All a recruiter has to do is input basic information like company name and job title. Then, Cohen says, “Our tool will then generate a suggested job description for you to review and edit.…”

“…saving you time and effort while still giving you the flexibility to customize the post to your needs.” 

The Chief Product Officer explained, “by streamlining this part of the hiring process, you can focus your energy on more strategic aspects of your job.”

Moreover, Cohen knows the importance of a professional summary in attracting potential clients and employers. Also, he understands how daunting it can be.

Consequently, LinkedIn launched a GPT-4 tool that creates summaries for user profiles. It analyzes the data from a job hunter’s employment experiences and skills.

Then, it determines the most impressive qualities and emphasizes that information in the headline and about-section description.

As a result, LinkedIn users can make a better first impression in search results, leading to more work opportunities.

These LinkedIn AI features are only available to those with the Premium subscription, which costs $29.99 monthly.

Also, the online job portal uses artificial intelligence to make Collaborative Articles. 

LinkedIn staff matches these articles with relevant member experts. Then, those people can share valuable lessons and advice so that others can learn for free.


LinkedIn AI uses the previous and latest versions of OpenAI’s tech to generate user profiles and job listings. The company says it is committed to innovation for business professionals.

It understands that AI is the future of work. Consequently, it also offers more than 100 AI courses for free to all users until June 15, 2023.

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