Online medical network, health magazine launched website

MANILA, Philippines – The information flowing through the World Wide Web is constantly in flux that they say there’s something for everybody. But up until recently there wasn’t a comprehensive online portal that Filipinos could visit to check up on medical-related information.

Peter & Harris Online Infonet—a web-developing information technology business—responded to that call and came up with PINOYMED.COM, the country’s largest online medical network and health magazine.

Created to serve as an “informative, connective, and interactive” health portal, the website aims to provide access to all issues related to Filipino health and wellness available online and at any time.

“There is a deluge of websites out there that hold sundry information about health and well-being, but none that have specifically been geared towards a Filipino audience, which was surprising considering that we are an internet-crazy race,” said Harris Guevarra, co-founder and COO.

At PINOYMED.COM, diverse medical topics are discussed; anywhere from the health benefits of having a foot spa to weight loss tips, to topics about serious illnesses such as cancer and AIDS.

The articles are also written by reputable health writers and by medical professionals, ensuring that the information being offered to users is legitimate, safe, and reliable.

Having sections that deal with alternative medicine and pet health-related issues also prove that the site is “more than just an ordinary health blog.”

Online Medical Networking

But more than just a veritable assemblage of informative articles, PINOYMED.COM also gives users direct access to a growing list of physicians and other medical and dental practitioners.

“We now have close to two thousand doctors that have signed up at our directory listing. Our users now have access to their profiles including their clinic locations and clinic hours. Best of all, this is a free service that we offer to our readers,” added Guevarra.

The website also provides a comprehensive directory on hospitals and drugstores. In the future, the founders also plan to maintain a directory of detailed information on health drugs and medicinal plants.