AI can diagnose depression better than doctors

Recent studies show that artificial intelligence can detect depression and prescribe treatments for depression better than doctors. Doctors can use AI to diagnose this mental health issue from magnetic resonance imaging scans with 93% accuracy. Also, ChatGPT diagnoses usually recommend talk therapy, while psychiatrists typically prefer antidepressants.

Many sources warned about relying on ChatGPT for mental health advice months ago. However, recent studies reveal that this AI tool is becoming more reliable than ever, surpassing most human health professionals. As a result, these latest developments illustrate how rapid AI development is transforming our lives.

This article will explain how AI depression detection is more effective than peoples’. Later, I will discuss why mental health experts were skeptical about using ChatGPT for diagnoses.

Why is AI more accurate at detecting depression?

The Conversation said scientists compared ChatGPT diagnoses and medical recommendations from doctors with surprising results. Consequently, they discovered the famous AI program ChatGPT usually recommended talk therapy. 

The National Institute of Mental Health says it refers to “a variety of treatments that aim to help a person identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.” It involves a doctor helping patients uncover and observe their inner motivations to discover solutions.

Conversely, doctors typically offered antidepressants, medicines that affect brain hormones to stimulate mood. As a result, the studies show the AI tool is more likely to follow clinical guidelines.

Doctors are more likely to overprescribe psychoactive drugs. Also, ChatGPT is less likely to have sex and socioeconomic biases. Doctors tend to prescribe antidepressants to men, especially those with blue-collar professions.

Health professionals could detect depression from brain structure images with 80% accuracy. However, incorporating AI tools boosts accuracy to 93%, showing it’s a more effective diagnostic method.

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Scientists discovered our social media posts could reveal depression cases. They use artificial intelligence to predict the presence and severity of this mental health condition based on our language and online community memberships.

This method has a 90% success rate for both English and Arabic. Moreover, healthcare experts could use artificial intelligence to predict antidepressant treatment responses with 70% accuracy.

This method could help doctors get more substantial evidence when prescribing medication-based treatments. However, The Conversation warns we need more research to verify we could rely on AI for diagnoses.

Why did doctors discourage ChatGPT diagnoses?

Numerous mental health experts have expressed concerns about ChatGPT therapy’s rise. Sahra O’Doherty, director of the Australian Association of Psychologists, said it was a “worrying trend that people are resorting to AI, particularly in its infancy.”

Also, O’Doherty worried about its inability to triage risk. Triage refers to the three protocols medical professionals use to assess health problems properly.

The doctor said, “I very much feel it is dangerous for a person to be seeking mental health support from someone who isn’t familiar with the physical location that that person is living in.” A recent suicide exhibits these real-world consequences.

A Belgian man took his life in March after following advice from the AI chatbot Chai. He was suffering severe anxiety about climate change, so he likely viewed its advice as a recommendation to commit suicide.

Carolina Estevez, a clinical psychologist at Infinite Recovery, explained some mental health websites offer online help. They use chatbots to set appointments, answer frequently asked questions, and store customer data.

“However, they have not been used for the therapy itself because the technology is not sophisticated enough to capture the nuances needed,” Estevez told TechNewsWorld. “It would not be able to give sound counseling, proper diagnosis, or even determine how a person is feeling,” she added.

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There are three reasons why doctors did not view ChatGPT as a viable alternative to therapy. First, OpenAI did not design the bot to offer mental health solutions.

Dr. Adam S. Miner, a clinical psychologist who studies conversational AI, said therapy helps clients reflect on their circumstances to determine solutions. A chatbot is unlikely to have this ability.

Second, ChatGPT therapy sometimes has incorrect answers but never admits it is wrong. Lastly, other online services provide better help than ChatGPT therapy. Dr. Elizabeth A. Carpenter-Song, a medical anthropologist, cited other chatbots like Wysa and Woebot, which offer AI-guided therapy.


Recent studies show that AI depression detection is more accurate than doctors. Combining their expertise and the latest AI tech could revolutionize mental healthcare worldwide.

However, we have a long way to go before that happens. We require more research and development to confirm these practical applications. 

This article does not provide medical advice. Please consult your doctor regarding mental health issues and be careful when asking AI chatbots for advice.