PH third-largest PixelPals player base worldwide

With the popularity of artificial intelligence, it’s easy to forget the previous cryptocurrency trend. A few years ago, the world applauded the potential of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. 

Nowadays, it seems AI and ChatGPT are all everyone’s talking about. Contrary to popular belief, blockchain technology and its applications continue to flourish.

READ: Amazon creates the largest text-to-speech AI

More interestingly, Filipinos seem to have been driving this advance as the Philippines is one of the top three countries playing the crypto game PixelPals.

What is PixelPals?

Photo Credit: PixelPals

The official press release describes PixelPals as a hypercasual pet and base management game from Pixelmon and Mantle. 

Players take care of virtual creatures called PixelPals by feeding them and growing their XP. Meanwhile, they must manage their habitats, which they can decorate to raise their Habitat Value.

Gamers earn MON token rewards after the upcoming Mon Protocol token generation event (TGE). You may play PixelPals on mobile and desktop.

Players can use a Moca ID to sign up. Alternatively, head directly to the PixelPals website to create a Web3 wallet account by registering a daily login credential like an email address.

The Philippines has over 76,000 PixelPal players as of April 22, 2024, ranking third among 212 countries. 

“I love playing PixelPals. It’s fun, easy to play, and doesn’t take a lot of time,” said Filipino content creator Sir Alvon.

“You can play it while commuting or when you’re taking a break from work. This game is just starting, and participating now gives players a chance to be included in an upcoming airdrop.”

“I think it’s going to get even better in future seasons,” Alvon added. The United States is in second place with 146,000 players.

Vietnam is the top player base with over 214,000 players. Meanwhile, the other top 10 countries include Indonesia, India, Japan, Brazil, Nigeria, Singapore, and Hong Kong. 

Nowadays, PixelPals has been growing rapidly since its launch. Pixelmon reported 480,000 unique wallets registered to PixelPals. 

The game also had over 100,000 daily active players in the last two weeks. Also, 120,000 of the total player base have been logging in for at least seven days in a row.

Season Zero will end on April 29, 2024. Moreover, it has accumulated a prize pool of $193,945 as of April 22, 2024. 

Players will receive a portion of that prize pool depending on their game progression points.