World’s strongest iron-based superconducting magnet made with AI

Scientists recently created the world’s strongest iron-based superconducting magnet with artificial intelligence. Soon, it may transform numerous industries, especially the medical field.

For example, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines help doctors view internal organs and check for issues. However, the conventional design occupies a lot of space and consumes excessive energy.

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This superconducting material could help people create smaller MRI machines. As a result, they could become more accessible to patients worldwide.

How did they create the superconducting magnet?

King’s College London and Tokyo researchers used the Bayesian Optimization Executable and Visualizable Application (BOXVIA) to make this new material. 

The King’s College London website said the scientists used this AI system to develop a framework that optimizes superconductor creation. 

The experts repeatedly used BOXVIA to improve the superconductive properties of magnets by changing conditions in fabricating these materials. 

For example, the AI’s simulations tested making the superconducting magnet with different heat and duration. Conventional tests took researchers months to complete.

Thanks to this artificial intelligence, these experts significantly shortened the testing phase. Eventually, BOXVIA created the final superconducting magnet.

KCL says it has more iron-based crystals than conventional materials with uniform structures. King’s Department of Engineering researcher, Dr. Mark Ainslie, explained regular superconducting magnets need extremely low temperatures to function. 

Conversely, the AI-made magnet does not need such conditions to work. The technology will also help manufacturers mass-produce the material, meaning it could make MRI machines more affordable. 

The superconducting magnet may also bring a new generation of smaller units that will not need large storage rooms. As a result, more hospitals might offer MRI tests.

“Superconducting magnets are the backbone of the future. Not only are they used to image cancers with MRI machines, but they will be vital for electric aircraft and nuclear fusion,” Dr. Ainslie added.