How to make it easier to use your phone one-handed

After reading the title, the first thing you might ask is, “Why would I need to learn how to use my phone one-handed?” After all, you and most people can, right?

Using your phone with just one hand can be clunky, especially since many smartphones have widescreen.

However, doing other things while using your device can be necessary. 

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For example, you might have to hold onto a train’s handles to keep your balance, but you have to send a text message.

Fortunately, these instructions will help you readjust your Android and iOS phone for this task. 

How to activate your Android’s one-handed mode

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The official Google Support website says you may activate your Android’s one-handed mode by opening the Settings app.

Then, select the One-handed mode option and tap Use One-handed mode.

This setting allows you to pull down the top half of your screen and easily reach notifications and other important functions.

These steps may differ depending on your phone brand.

For example, The Verge says you can activate this setting on your Samsung Galaxy phone in its Settings

Next, head to System, open Gestures, and toggle on One-handed mode.

Moreover, some models require you to access this feature under your Settings’ Advanced features.

If you want to type messages more easily, activate the one-handed keyboard.

Tap its four-box icon to the left and then choose One-handed from the pop-up menu.

These steps will shrink your keyboard and push it against one side of the screen.

Select the arrow button to readjust its position or the four-arrow button to revert your keyboard’s size.

How to activate your iPhone’s one-handed mode

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Apple smartphones refer to one-handed mode as Reachability, which you can access in Settings.

Then, tap Accessibility, select Touch, and then turn on the Reachability toggle switch.

This feature allows you to shrink apps or system menus to the bottom of your screen.

You may revert their positions by tapping the arrow at the top of the window. 

The iPhone keyboard also has a one-handed keyboard. Activate it with the keyboard open by long-pressing the icon in the lower left corner.

Next, tap on the left or right keyboard layout to pin the keyboard to that side.

You could make internet browsing on Chrome more convenient by moving the address and search bar to the bottom of the screen.

Tap the three dots on the browser.

Next, choose Settings, tap the Address bar, and then select Bottom.

Moreover, you may reset this setting by opening Safari in iOS Settings under the Tabs heading.