A comparison of smartphone and tablet shipments

On Tuesday, Research in Motion Ltd. held its annual shareholders meeting as its BlackBerry devices continue to lose market share to rivals, such as Apple’s iPhone.

Here are details on the number of devices RIM and Apple shipped in recent quarters:

Research in Motion:

Quarter ending June 2, 2012: 7.8 million BlackBerry smartphones, 260,000 PlayBook tablets

Quarter ending March 3, 2012: 11.1 million BlackBerry smartphones, 500,000 PlayBook tablets

Quarter ending Nov. 26, 2011: 14.1 million BlackBerry smartphones, 150,000 PlayBook tablets

Quarter ending Aug. 27, 2011: 10.6 million BlackBerry smartphones, 200,000 PlayBook tablets

Quarter ending May 28, 2011: 13.2 million BlackBerry smartphones, 500,000 PlayBook tablets


Quarter ending March 31, 2012: 35.1 million iPhones, 11.8 million iPads

Quarter ending Dec. 31, 2011: 37 million iPhones, 15.4 million iPads

Quarter ending Sept. 24, 2011: 17.1 million iPhones, 11.1 million iPads

Quarter ending June 25, 2011: 20.3 million iPhones, 9.25 million iPads

Quarter ending March 26, 2011: 18.65 million iPhones, 4.7 million iPads