Dissection of adult man’s body reveals 3 genitalia

Researchers discovered a man with three genitalia after he donated his body to science.

Interestingly, he did not know his ultra-rare condition throughout his life.

The Journal of Medical Case Reports calls this unusual instance Triphallia, a rare congenital anomaly where a person has three distinct penile shafts.

READ: Baby born with 3 penises recorded for first time

The only other documented case was that of a newborn in 2020, making this 78-year-old the first adult to have the condition. 

How does a man develop three penises?

The Journal of Medical Case Reports says Triphillia starts in the womb, especially at four to seven weeks of gestation. 

“The penis develops from the genital tubercule and is controlled by dihydrotestosterone,” the report states.

“Genetic abnormalities affecting the expression of androgen receptors may cause morphological genital abnormalities.”

“In this case, there may have been triplication of the genital tubercle,” the report states about a man having three penises. 

“The urethra originally developed in the secondary penis. However, when this penis failed to develop, the urethra diverted its course and developed in the primary penis instead.” 

Usually, surgeons remove the excess reproductive organs.

However, Triphillia’s symptoms typically manifest in adulthood, causing “sexual dysfunction, obstructive urinary symptoms and urinary incontinence.

University of Birmingham Medical School students discovered the body of a 78-year-old British man had three penises after dissection.

They say he may have gone his whole life without being aware of his “remarkable anatomical variation” due to the lack of symptoms.

They published their findings in The Journal of Medical Case Reports, saying: 

“We cannot be certain that, in this case, the defect remained unnoticed in life.”

Moreover, the findings indicate internal penile duplication might be more common than previously thought.

Nevertheless, people with this rare condition are advised to seek healthcare interventions immediately.