CICC launches UnmatchPH campaign against love scams

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — The Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC) launched its #UnmatchPH campaign to combat love scams.

UnmatchPH is an awareness campaign that aims to fight online schemes that victimize those looking for romantic partners.

READ: Avoid these love scams before the Month of Hearts

“Love scams become a gateway to all kinds of scams, such as loan scams and investment scams,” said Jocel De Guzman, Scam Watch Pilipinas co-convenor.

“What makes love scams particularly painful is the double agony—breaking someone’s heart while also stealing their money,” he added.

How to spot love scams

Photo shows: Nick Wilwayco, Maya Head of Corporate Communications; Elena Torrijos, BPI Head of Public Affairs and Communications; Jocel de Guzman, Co-Founder of Scam Watch Pilipinas, Usec. Alexander Ramos, Mel Migrino, Gogolook PH Country Head; and Frederick Blancas, GoTyme Bank Head of Corporate Communications

De Guzman shared the basic steps of a love scam at UnmatchPH: 

  1. Study the victim by getting available info.
  2. Engage the victim and earn trust.
  3. Introduce the scam to obtain data.
  4. Erase all traces of contact with the victim.

Moreover, a love scammer usually shows the following behaviors:

  1. Shows photos that are too perfect to be true
  2. No verification symbol
  3. No social media account
  4. Refuses video call
  5. Doesn’t want to meet
  6. Asks for money

The UnmatchPH campaign also reintroduced various types of love scams that were first introduced in 2024:

CICC Executive Director Undersecretart Alexander Ramos urged the public to report love scams and other cyber crimes at the hotline 1326.

“Always report these scams to 1326, especially as Valentine’s Day approaches, when a rise in love scams is expected,” he emphasized at the UnmatchPH launch event.