Group vs cyberlaw marches to SC

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MANILA, Philippines—A group protesting against the Cybercrime Prevention Law marched to the Supreme Court Tuesday morning as the high tribunal was set to deliberate on the 11 petitions filed against the cyberlaw.

Members of Philippine International Freedom Alliance carried blank black cards and a streamer with the words “Stop cyber martial law” as they walked from the Padre Faura entrance of Robinson’s Place mall in Ermita, Manila.

Red Tani of PIFA said they took the online battle to the streets because with the law enacted, “we are now cybercriminals.”

As the protesters marched around Padre Faura St. for about 10 minutes, they chanted: “Stop Cyber Martial Law” and “Tweet ng Ina nyo.”

They also carried a banner bearing photos of the senators who signed the cyberlaw and the message “Junk all the Framers of cybercrime law.”