Japanese government to ramp up pirate hunting efforts


Illegal anime streamers beware! A traitor to the cause is to be hired by the Japanese government to rat out his mates. Image INQUIRER.net

Anime is well loved by fans around the globe but, most acquire content through what can be considered illegal means. In response to this, the Japanese government is going to hire a specialist to sniff out pirated content in the vast recesses of the internet.

According to an article in Rocket News, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry will be supplementing its automated system with a more human touch to search out pirated content that have slipped through.

Pirated content can easily be hidden from the system through small alterations made to the original copyright material. However, such tactics can be overcome by the to-be-hired specialist through his alleged intimate knowledge of all things anime, movies, and how to find illegal sites.

The pirate hunter will reportedly be focusing on anime and live-action content due to the greater amount of exposure that these categories have.

A single specialist is planned to be hired initially. There are no details yet with regards to hiring additional personnel. Alfred Bayle