2 Mandaue City Hall employees fired for playing DOTA 2 at work


Work and play don’t always go hand in hand, and sadly for two young local government workers, they found that out at the expense of their jobs.

A pair of city hall employees in Mandaue City, Cebu, were fired by the town mayor, Gabriel Luis “Luigi” Quisumbing, after they were caught playing the popular online video game, DOTA 2, during office hours.

In a Facebook post that has gone viral since Wednesday, the newly seated local chief executive shared a photo of errant staffers who were caught red-handed.

“This is a picture of city hall employees inside the planning office and why they just lost their jobs,” the post’s caption read.

Netizens flooded the comments section and expressed admiration for the mayor’s action.

One commenter wrote, They are not payed by the govt by playing dota and right decision mayor that you fired them! Good for them.”

Another took it to the extreme, saying social media should be banned as well.

“FB and other social media must be blocked too, Mayor! Trust me so many of them play in the office. People get mad nga ga line then ANG staff mag sige Lang mobile online and some desktops,” a Facebook user wrote.

“Not for long,” Quisumbing replied.

Defense of the Ancients, popularly known as DOTA, has been a massive hit among Filipino gamers since its first release in 2009.

The game’s sequel, DOTA 2, has become a global phenomenon and has spurred various professional competitions worldwide.  Khristian Ibarrola