Twitter permanently bans offensive user


Twitter has permanently laid down the ban hammer to one of its most notoriously offensive users in light of a recent online trolling campaign.

Due to repeated violations of Twitter’s terms of service, Breitbart Tech editor and conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos has been permanently banned.

In the past, Yiannopoulos has been temporarily banned by Twitter several times due to provocative actions and inciting harassment of his current targets. However, it was his online trolling campaign against Ghostbusters reboot actor Leslie Jones that put the final nail on the coffin, Engadget reports.

In response to the whole incident, Twitter has announced that it will open the verification process to the public. They also plan to make public the anti-spam and anti-harassment protections that the Blue Checkmark enables.

Yiannopoulous has been using Twitter for years now to voice controversial opinions as well as lead over 300,000 followers against his targets. He has made a living as a provocateur who continually inflamed tensions between branches of the internet that focus on identity politics and the anti-PC segment that trolls it. Alfred Bayle