‘Pokémon Sun and Moon’ adds more variety to series


The Z-move is very powerful and could change the tide of a Pokémon match, but it can only be used once per battle. Image Pokemon-sunmoon.com

While Niantic continues to work on enhancing Pokémon Go and getting it to the rest of the world, the Pokémon Company has news for the upcoming Pokémon Sun and Moon.

The new trailer for Pokémon Sun and Moon shows that Pokémon will now have forms that match the tropical climate of Alola. A few examples are extended-necked Executors as well as Ice forms of Vulpix and Sandshrew, Tech Radar reported.

Next, Pokémon will receive Z-moves, which are extremely powerful attacks that can only be used once per battle. Pokémon are now also ridable.

Most surprising is the addition of a Pokémon that looks like Donald Trump. Another change is the omission of gyms altogether.

Meanwhile, Niantic has removed the power saving mode and footprint tracker from the game due to issues. Hopefully these will become available again once the bugs have been ironed out. Alfred Bayle