LOOK: Designer creates ‘throwback’ Instagram on Windows 95


Imagine snapping photos of posh places and a tall ice-cold coffee using Instagram in the year 1995.

A Russian graphic designer took the selfie craze 20 years ago when people were still tinkering with their bulky desktop powered by the antiquated Windows 95.

SCREENGRAB from Misha Petrick/behance.net

Misha Petrick, who lives in Moscow, created a project entitled “Instagram for Win95”, which showcases how the popular smartphone app would have looked like in the ’90s.

SCREENGRAB from Misha Petrick/behance.net

SCREENGRAB from Misha Petrick/behance.net

SCREENGRAB from Misha Petrick/behance.net

As noticed, Instagram features would have been limited when viewed on the now-defunct operating system. It has a limited color palette and low-quality, pixelated fonts for every post. Instagram’s main features such as scrolling through its news feed, and notifications are visible on the “throwback” Instagram.  Gianna Francesca Catolico