People can die from broken heart—study

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Broken Heart. File photo.

The death of a loved one may trigger atrial fibrillation (AF), or irregular heartbeat,  which is potentially life-threatening, according to a recent research.

Researchers from the University in Denmark released shocking data based on their study of 88,162 patients who were diagnosed with AF in 1995 and 2014 and were at risk of developing heart flutter (palpitation).  Among those patients, 17,478 had  lost their significant others.

The risk was at its peak during “8-14 days after the loss, after which it gradually declined,” confirmed a study published in the online journal Open Heart.

“One year after the loss, the risk was almost the same as in the non-bereaved population,” the study added.

Based on their findings, the researchers further observed the phenomenon of people dying soon after the death of their life partner. Grieving spouses have a higher risk of dying, particularly of heart disease and stroke, the study revealed.

Of the group, 88,612 people had been newly diagnosed with AF, while 86,120 were deemed healthy.

“The risk of developing an irregular heartbeat for the first time was 41% higher among those who had been bereaved than it was among those who had not experienced such a loss,” said the researchers, led by Simon Graff of Aarhus University.

Those under 60 years of age who lost a loved one unexpectedly were found to be  twice as likely to develop such problems, while those whose partners were relatively healthy in the month before death, were 57 percent more at risk.

“The severely stressful life event of losing a partner was followed by a transiently increased risk of atrial fibrillation lasting for one year, especially for the least-predicted losses,” the researchers concluded, adding that unexpected deaths caused more pain.

The team, however, cautioned that no conclusions could be drawn about cause and effect, as the study was merely an observational one, comparing correlations in data.

Other varying factors such as the bereaved group’s diet, exercise regime, and predisposal to AF were not covered by the study.

Apart from being subjected to AF, grieving loved ones may also experience mental-illness symptoms such as depression, which can lead to loss of sleep and appetite, alcohol dependence and lack of appetite to exercise, all known health risks.  Khristian Ibarrola