ASUS tweets hit ‘all the wrong points’

ASUS-tweet girl with cat

The tweet is just downright confusing to say the least. Image Twitter/@ASUS

Companies will go to great lengths to market their product, but sometimes things can go embarrassingly wrong. Case in point are a couple of tweets from ASUS to market the ZenBook 3.

And they actually did twice. Image Twitter/@ASUS

Said tweets, now long since deleted, asked netizens to choose who to date between a person holding a cat or a person holding a ZenBook 3. One Twitter user just couldn’t take the “silliness” of the tweet and posted a biting response, reports The Next Web.

Every now and then, a sane person makes himself known on Twitter. Image Twitter/@IncreXible

@IncreXible certainly makes a good point–one that’s clearer than ASUS was trying to go for when it posted its tweets. Alfred Bayle