WATCH: Adam Savage meets Ghost in the Shell’s robotic geisha

Adam Savage, famed Mythbusters host and geek, visits the Weta Workshop in New Zealand for Tested to take a behind the scenes look at some of the practical effects employed in the live-action adaptation of “Ghost in the Shell”.

In particular, he set out to learn more about the making of the robotic geisha that was seen in the film’s trailers.

Weta Workshop is the company behind much of the costumes, sets, armors, and creatures behind “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

They’ve also done special effects for “Mad Max: Fury Road”, “Thor: Ragnarok”, “The Hobbit”, “Avatar”, and “I, Robot”. If anything, special effects wise, Ghost in the Shell appears to be in good hands.

With the latest trailer giving a hint of the movie’s plot, all that’s left to see is how all the pieces will be brought together. Hopefully, it will turn into something the audience will enjoy, fan or not. JB


WATCH: ‘Ghost in the Shell’ trailer shows Major waking up in her new body