Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers could work on Mac, PC


Apart from extra accessories, it looks like the Joy-Con controller also has a hidden functionality. Image: Nintendo

Nintendo jammed a lot of technology into the Switch’s Joy-Con Controllers. Despite it’s already impressive functionality, it may yet hold a couple more surprises.

As TechRadar reports, several sources are hinting that the Joy-Con Controllers could actually work on PCs, Macs, and even Android devices.

These rumors appear to be based on the fact that the Joy-Cons, like the PS4 and Xbox One controllers, use Bluetooth to communicate with their base consoles. With the proper gamepad mapping software, users could hook up their Joy-Cons to desktop PCs, Mac laptops, as well as phones and tablets.

The unexpected functionality is certainly a welcome bonus to Switch owners but as they say, you can’t have it all. Some users who have tried this reported brief moments where the Joy-Con would lose the connection. Fortunately, other have also reported that the issue is nonexistent in the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller.

Whether you choose to use the Joy-Con for other gaming systems beyond the Switch is up to you. At the very least, the added option is a welcome one. Alfred Bayle/JB