Proving identities is the secret ingredient in the successful evolution of the sharing economy. Image: mikkelwilliam/Istock.com via AFP Relaxnews
A SureID study conducted at this year’s SXSW finds that 18-to-37-year-olds place a premium on time and this could leave them exposed online, particularly when using sharing economy services.
When asked, 79 percent of respondents said that they would be less likely to buy from someone, whether on- or offline, if that person couldn’t prove their identity. However, when questioned about two of the main foundations of the growing gig economy—ride sharing and food delivery services—91 percent of those polled over the course of the event said that they presumed the person they’re interacting with has already been vetted and their identity verified by a third party.
“Technology is enabling us to interact perhaps too comfortably with strangers for modern conveniences. These findings point out the growing demand for people in the gig economy to prove they are who they say they are, to create a higher level of trust,” said Justin Oberman, vice president of identity strategy at SureID.
In June, SureID polled regular dating site and ride-share service users and found that 88 percent of dating app users want a way of independently verifying the identity of the person they could soon be dating. And, within this SXSW study, when asked about themselves, 96 percent said that they would welcome a means of verifying and managing their own identify online for greater security.
“Proving identities is the secret ingredient in the successful evolution of the sharing economy,” said Steve Larson, CEO and founder, SureID. “Safety and convenience are not mutually exclusive and must work hand in hand.” JB/rga