LOOK: Son’s ‘cool’ way of updating mom about his travels

Having a complicated time assuring your mom that you’re safe and doing fine while away from home? Here’s one netizen’s way of assuring his mother about his safety when he was on a vacation.

In a Facebook post that has amassed 37,000 likes since last week, Belinda Gaitano shared pictures of his son Kirby’s recent vacation in Aurora province. Just like most parents, she panics whenever her son doesn’t text her back.

This time, Kirby updated her with images of him raising a placard that read, “Ma, okay lang ko!”

“Whenever he’s on a trip, I get so nervous when he doesn’t text me back,” Belinda wrote. “But for this trip, he did not only text me back but also sent me pictures which clearly shows how he was doing.”

Kirby’s gimmick not only appeased his worried mother but also netizens who could relate to Kirby’s little problem. In an interview with INQUIRER.net, Kirby, 22, narrated how his strict mother would nag him whenever he’s out of the house.

“My mom tends to worry a lot. Whenever I’m not at the house po even though she knows I’m at school,” he said. “Whenever I’m on a trip po, she would always text me how I was doing, day and night.”

Despite her frequent anxieties, Kirby understands that Belinda is simply thinking of his safety. “I still love my mom even though she is strict because it shows that she worries for me a lot,” he concluded.  /ra