LOOK: Fully-functional MMO made entirely in ‘Minecraft’

Image: Wynncraft

Image: Wynncraft

Get ready for a little game-ception because the world of “Wynncraft” is a fully functional massively-multiplayer online game (MMOG) created using another game.

The wide game world of “Wynncraft” was constructed using “Minecraft” and can be accessed through the latter’s servers, reports Kotaku.

Image: Wynncraft

Image: Wynncraft

“Wynncraft” comes with functional quests, a guild system, boss monsters, and every other element that would constitute a proper MMOG. The entire map itself has a dimension of 4000 x 5500 blocks.

Image: Wynncraft

Image: Wynncraft

Image: Wynncraft

Image: Wynncraft

Image: Wynncraft

The team behind “Wynncraft” has been working on this game-within-a-game full time for four years and counting. Apart from creating new content, they also sell in-game items where the money is used to pay for servers. “Wynncraft” itself is free to play as long as a copy of “Minecraft” is installed.

For the curious, the zoomable full map of the game can be found on the official “Wynncraft” website. Alfred Bayle/JB


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