WATCH: #SquatYourDog trend is latest internet craze


‪I knew Georgie’s fatness would be useful one day. ‬ ‪#SquatYourDog 🐾‬

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Finding time between exercising and spending quality time with pets can be tricky for some.

However, several netizens have found the perfect way to do both—at the same time.

The internet birthed its latest trend recently, with social media users posting videos of dog owners using their own pets as weights for squats.

Dubbed as #SquatYourDog challenge, netizens have been picking up their pups—regardless of size—while filming themselves doing multiple repetitions of the popular lower body exercise.

Some owners also advised viewers to only attempt the challenge if their dogs are completely up for it.

The new fad, meanwhile, was reportedly started by fitness blogger Aj Greene. Since its inception last week, multiple variations of the #SquatYourDog challenge have become abundant online.  Khristian Ibarrola /ra