Netizens foresee Uber driver pursuing romance with passenger after returning lost phone

Image: Twitter/@__cklucas

It’s not everyday that a lost phone is returned to its owner. It’s even rarer for it to come with flowers and donuts.

Such was the experience of Twitter user who goes by the handle “@__cklucas”, or CK Lucas, a Miriam College student according to her Facebook profile, who had left her phone in an Uber car.

Lucas was so surprised that the driver of the car took the time to return the lost phone. She shared a photo on Twitter that showed herself with the unnamed driver.

However, netizens have started to speculate on various plot twists. Most of these anticipate the driver pursuing a romantic relationship with the passenger.

Netizen comments on Lucas’ Twitter post. Image: Twitter/@__cklucas

One user likes to think that a happily ever after is possible through ride sharing services.

Netizen comment on Lucas’ Twitter post. Image: Twitter/@__cklucas

Another coined a scarier scenario than being friend-zoned.

Netizen comment on Lucas’ Twitter post. Image: Twitter/@__cklucas

Some are just yearning to witness a budding romance.

Netizen comment on Lucas’ Twitter post. Image: Twitter/@__cklucas

Then again, sometimes you have to be practical in life, and make the most of free stuff. JB

Image: Twitter/@__cklucas


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