WATCH: What not to do when taking a photo of an eclipse

A solar eclipse doesn’t happen often. Understandably, people get excited when one is announced.

But before setting up a camera to take photos of the event, it’s best to make sure the proper tools are in place. Using a solar filter for the camera lens is a must.

Based on a YouTube tutorial from Everything Photography Store, not only will a solar filter protect the camera’s sensor, it will also provide the proper exposure. In the end, it will keep the camera running long after the event and give photographers nice photos.

Otherwise, an unprotected camera will end up in the same way as the one in the video. An expensive burnt paperweight.

A burnt camera sensor. Image: YouTube/Everything Photography Store

While some comments on the video argued about the wisdom of doing a six-second long exposure, others explained that a proper solar filter would effectively darken the lens. This effect makes it necessary to do long exposures for shooting eclipses.

Image: YouTube/Everything Photography Store

Scientists also advise to not look at a solar eclipse with the naked eye, for such can cause permanent damage.

A full solar eclipse is scheduled to occur on August 21 over the United States. JB


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