Image: Google, Inc./Apple, Inc. via AFP Relaxnews
Google encourages phone users to experience its facial recognition prowess up close, as it pairs them with classic artworks, while “Finger Driver” and “Infinite Golf” score top download in several big territories this week, since Jan. 19, 2018.
United States
Google Arts & Culture (Entertainment)
Artwork searching software that has slowly gained hit status since reaching version 6 in late 2017, allowing users to take self-portrait photos and have the app use facial recognition tech to make comparisons with classic paintings; privacy and diversity advocates have raised concerns.
United Kingdom
Finger Driver (Games)
Another top minimalesque download for French publisher Ketchapp, as players navigate a twisting road and accrue high scores by turning a virtual steering wheel.
Infiniite Golf (Games)
Pared-down critical darling “Desert Golf” gets a very unofficial color makeover, challenging players to see how far they can go. It’s $2.99 (about P150) to remove the ads that pop up during breaks in play.
WhatsApp Messenger (Social Networking)
Number one in Germany is Facebook-owned messaging suite WhatsApp, which offers integration with contacts lists as well as Facebook profiles. Germany’s number two paid app is privately-owned, Swiss-based secure messaging service Threema.
Google Arts & Culture (Entertainment)
Finger Driver (Games)
Infinite Golf (Games)
South Korea
Free Fire – Battlegrounds (Games)
Mimicking the form of PC hit “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds” in a smaller, shorter format: 50 players, more compact island, 10-minute games. In-app purchases from $0.99 (P50) to $49.99 (P2,500).
Knives Out (Games)
Another unofficial mobile spins on PC gaming craze “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds”; publisher NetEase also distributes the similar “Rules of Survival.” Its most popular in-app purchase is for $0.99 (P50) of points tickets.
ofo Smart Bike Sharing (Travel)
Beijing-based bicycle-sharing plan without the need for docking stations. Instead, a mobile app and combination lock setup takes care of security.
Rules of Survival (Games)
Color Call (Entertainment)
Data calling app selling itself on professed audio quality and choice of visual themes. In-app purchases.
South Africa
WhatsApp (Social Networking)
Store rankings courtesy of App Annie. JB
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