Video games about friendship: ‘Kind Words’, ‘Biped’, ‘Sky’, ‘Rocket League’


Feeling the need for better social connections, or new ways to make them? These four games all encourage friendship or teamwork.

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)

A warm, anonymous letter-writing community in which players send off a request or concern and other players respond with comfort, sympathy or gentle advice. Available for PC, Mac and Linux; mobile versions are under consideration.

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)


Released just this week after a very well-appreciated tour of games festivals and conventions, “Biped” stars two robots whose simple movements allow them to stagger, roll, vault and slide across tricky obstacle courses, beating teamwork challenges as they go. Out now on PC and coming soon to PS4 and Switch. See also “Out of Space” (PC Mac Linux), “Human: Fall Flat” (computer, console, mobile), “Good Job” (Switch) and “Moving Out” (April 28 on console and computer).

biped Official Gameplay Trailer

Sky: Children of the Light

A game about making connections, intentionally or through happenstance and shared activities, “Sky: Children of the Light” encourages players to play together and help each other in order to progress. It launched on iOS and is on course to arrive on Android, PC, Nintendo Switch. The same studio’s PS4 and PC game “Journey” has similar themes.

Rocket League

Perhaps not the most obvious candidate for a game about being friendly and forging strong connections, “Rocket League” accommodates casual play and dedicated, skilled fans; with nimble remote-control cars bumping a ponderous, oversized ball around each pitch, teamwork becomes an essential part of the experience. For PS4, XBO, Switch and PC.



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