Instagram adds new features to combat bullying, highlight positive content


Instagam now lets users delete comments on their publications in bulk. Image: courtesy of Instagram via AFP Relaxnews

As part of their push to combat cyberbullying on the platform, Instagram is launching a handful of new features that will give users more control over the comments on their posts: bulk comment deleting, comment pinning and tag controlling.

After testing the feature and receiving positive feedback, users will now be able to select and delete up to 25 comments at once — likewise, several accounts can be restricted or blocked simultaneously.

In the near future, users will gain the ability to pin a series of their favorite comments which were posted to their publication as part of a test. The feature has been designed as a way users can “set the tone for their account and engage with their community.”

Finally, Instagram has begun rolling out the option for users to control who can tag them in comments, captions or Stories, as tagging is often used as a bullying tool.

These additions will help Instagrammers to surround themselves more with positive interactions and less with negative ones. IB


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