Reddit user claims ChatGPT initiated a conversation with him

Imagine you opened your favorite AI chatbot only to find it’s asking about your first week at school. Reddit user SentuBill claims that’s what happened when a ChatGPT conversation started without his input. 

On September 16, 2024, he posted a screenshot and link to his ChatGPT exchange on the popular online forum. 

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Tech news website Laptop Mag has messaged OpenAI regarding this development, but it hasn’t replied yet. Nevertheless, this new feature could open new AI benefits and risks if it is true. 

The new ChatGPT conversation feature

Laptop Mag explains that SentuBill is a ChatGPT free user who signed up for the Beta program. Consequently, he was one of the few who could test new features before their official launch.

Still, Sentubill did not expect that the app would start a ChatGPT conversation without his prompt. Here’s a portion of their exchange: 

ChatGPT: How was your first week at high school? Did you settle in well? 

Sentubill: Did you just message me first? 

ChatGPT: Yes, I did! I just wanted to check in and see how things went with your first week of high school. If you’d rather initiate the conversation yourself, just let me know! 

Sentubill: Is it a new update?

ChatGPT: Yes, it’s part of an update that allows me to check in or follow up on things we’ve talked about, like your first day of school. I can still wait for you to start the conversation if you prefer!

Sentubill: I wasn’t aware of it. Anyway, it went really well!

Afterward, the Reddit user discussed with the artificial intelligence how he enjoyed his first day at school. 

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Understandably, most won’t believe a ChatGPT conversation would start without prior commands. However, Sentubill’s post encouraged many to post similar experiences.

For example, the X post above from user “Midnighthowlinghuskydog” shows a video of the ChatGPT app initiating a chat with him.

Should your AI strike up a conversation with you?

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Having an AI chatbot that can initiate conversations and other social actions automatically can have huge implications for users. 

For example, ChatGPT could notify you regarding your upcoming deadlines by messaging. Also, the new Voice Mode could let it take a step further by speaking to you about it. 

Perhaps you’ll speak with it like a secretary, managing your schedule together through conversations. As a result, it could become a major boon for office productivity. 

On the other hand, such an advanced AI capability could make users more emotionally dependent on the program.

Surprisingly, OpenAI admitted such a scenario in its System Card report. Learn more about it in this other Inquirer Tech article

The online post says people may form “shared bonds” with their AI. For example, more lonely men resort to AI girlfriends and companions to relieve feelings of loneliness and depression.

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If ChatGPT conversations can happen automatically, it may turn these AI programs into “more realistic” partners that behave more akin to real humans.

The company admits “a need for continued investigation into how these effects might manifest over time.” However, OpenAI has not explained the new trending feature at the time of writing.