In the Netherlands, cycling benefits the environment and life expectancy
People biking on the Meuse river quay in the Maastricht, Netherlands. Image: via AFP Relaxnews
The cycling activity of the entire Dutch population has the same impact as planting 54 million trees every year, according to data from the United Nations Environment Program.
To arrive at this conclusion, researchers showed that riding a bike for 1 kilometer saves the equivalent of 1 kilogram of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, compared to driving a car on the same distance.
The Netherlands have long been pioneers when it comes to all things cycling. The country counts over one bicycle per inhabitant. More than a quarter of all trips are done by bicycle, for work as well as for leisure activities, alone or with family members.
According to the Dutch government, which has promoted this activity in cities for a long time, biking is good for the environment but also for life expectancy, allowing the Dutch to live six months longer than the European average. RGA
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