Boston Dynamics Robot Shares Its Construction Job

The robotics firm Boston Dynamics shared a fantastic video featuring the robot Atlas helping a human worker.

It shows the robot grabbing a tool bag, figuring out a path to the worker, then handing over his equipment. 

Even better, the Boston Dynamics robot finishes the clip by doing a flip! In response, it made people wonder about the future impact of robotics.

The Boston Dynamics robot at work

The robotics company shared the video on January 18, 2023. It features the fantastic Atlas and the first-ever human actor in a Boston Dynamics clip.

It begins with a construction worker setting up a scaffold until he realizes he forgot his tools. Then, Atlas walks in with new grabbers equipment.

The video shows a gap separating the robot from the worker’s platform. In response, Atlas shows resourcefulness by putting a plank over that gap.

The Boston Dynamics robot grabs the tools, walks up the ascending wooden platforms, and crosses the makeshift bridge.

Next, it leaps over a higher wooden beam before throwing the tool bag to the worker’s platform. Atlas returns to the ground by pushing over a wooden box.

Finally, the robot jumps and flips onto the box. It pumps its left arm in celebration, then the construction worker jokingly remarks, “Such a showoff.” 

It is a short and awe-inspiring clip that has been trending online. However, technologists see it as a significant milestone for programming and engineering.

A subsequent video explains how Boston Dynamics engineers programmed Atlas’ onboard software.

It uses two separate cameras for color images and depth location to identify and find objects. Moreover, new programming ensures Atlas can “understand” the forces of objects.

As a result, it would not fall over when it lifts and throws heavy stuff. Atlas mimics how humans lift and carry packages to achieve this feat.

A Boston Dynamics engineer said the robot had to figure out where an object is and how it moves. 

Note that Atlas does not know how to do anything. The team had to test the robot multiple times to perform these moves properly. 

In other words, you cannot ask the Boston Dynamics robot to fix your roof yet! Still, we can expect Atlas to do more things in the future.


The recent Boston Dynamics robot video shows how far robotics have improved. Soon, we can expect greater things as more companies experiment with these machines.

For example, Tesla unveiled its Optimus humanoid robot on September 30, 2022. CEO Elon Musk says they will perform household chores for customers in the future.

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