Maestro AI makes playlists on Amazon Music

Even if someone doesn’t realize it, artificial intelligence is already integrated into our daily lives.

For example, the world’s favorite music app, Spotify, already has AI features. Recently, Amazon Music joined the bandwagon with its Maestro AI.

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The official page says it is “an AI playlist generator that helps you create any playlist you can think of, plus all the ones you can’t. 

How does Maestro AI work?

Maestro AI creates playlists based on text prompts. Unlike other chatbots, the Amazon Music upgrade can understand emojis. Here are the ones the company used:

Amazon Music reminds the public that the AI program is in its beta version, meaning it “won’t always get it right the first time.” 

The eCommerce giant will roll out the feature to select US customers on all Amazon Music subscription tiers. Soon, it will expand access to more users.

Try it now with these steps:

  1. Download the latest version of Amazon Music.
  2. If it’s available in your region, the app will show Maestro AI on their home screen. Also, it will appear when you tap the plus sign that lets you make a new playlist.
  3. Talk or type your playlist idea.
  4. Next, tap “Let’s go!” to stream your playlist.
  5. Save and share with friends.