OpenAI says it stopped AI influence operations

People fear AI might lead to more powerful covert influence operations that may compromise essential parts of society. 

For example, state-backed agents may use artificial intelligence to spread convincing deepfakes to shift public opinion during elections.

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Fortunately, OpenAI and other AI firms remain vigilant in thwarting these schemes. Specifically, the former took down five schemes from different countries. 

What were the AI influence schemes OpenAI caught?

On May 30, 2024, OpenAI released an article detailing covert influence operations (IO) it took down over the last three months. 

IOs abuse AI systems like OpenAI’s to manipulate public opinion or influence political outcomes. The San Francisco-based firm says it disrupted the following:

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OpenAI says it uncovered the usual AI methods for influencing the public. AI-powered online schemes are worldwide, so everyone should learn these common techniques:

Fortunately, AI firms gaining new techniques to beat back these online threats. Here’s how they keep AI users safe worldwide: