How to know if you have a blocked number

Are you having trouble contacting someone through the phone? The person you’re calling may have turned you into a blocked number. 

That can become a problem if you have something important to tell them.

Moreover, it is especially important if you need to contact them in an emergency.

READ: How to block a number

Fortunately, there are various ways you can confirm whether or not a person blocked your number.

Here are the telltale signs for Android and iOS devices.

How to confirm a blocked number on Android

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If someone registers you as a blocked number, you will hear an automated message whenever you call. LifeWire says the message usually sounds like the following statements:

Try calling once a day for two to three days. If you get the same message each time, you may have turned into a blocked number. 

You may also receive voicemail whenever you call. If it activates in one ring or none, the person may have blocked you. 

Alternatively, US-based telecom provider T-Mobile says texting with a blocked number may show this message: 

“Free MSG: Unable to send message—message blocking active.”

How to confirm a blocked number on iOS

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The Android tips apply to iPhone users, but they have other ways to confirm they have blocked numbers.

For example, check the color of the messages.

Send a text via iMessage and observe whether the bubble color will change from blue to green. If it does, it is a possible sign that the person blocked you. 

You should check other signs because the color change may happen if the person is using Airplane Mode or an Android device.

Next, check the delivery status. 

Your sent messages will show two different words depending on their status. “Delivered will appear if your message went through, and “Read” will show up if the recipient turned on read receipts.

What to do if you get blocked?

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You may confirm that a person turned your contact details into a blocked number by reaching out in different ways.

For example, you may chat via Messenger or email.

You can also call that person with their friend’s phone to start a discussion.

Of course, it might be best to talk to them in person. 

Lifewire says you could type “*67” to hide your number and then call the person.

Moreover, iPhone users can also head to the Phone section of their Settings app. 

Then, they can turn off the “Show My Caller ID” option.

More importantly, be careful when repeatedly contacting someone who turned your phone details into a blocked number. 

It may result in accusations of harassment and stalking, which may lead to serious legal consequences.