Top 10 most popular YouTube videos on US elections
This combination of file pictures shows US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (R)greets supporters while holding a supporter’s baby during a rally at Portsmouth International Airport in Newington, New hampshire, on November 3, 2012, and US President Barack Obama (L) holds a baby as he greets supporters during a campaign rally at the Cheyenne Sports Complex in Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 1, 2012. AFP
WASHINGTON – In an election filled with videos, from campaign ads to verbal gaffes from the candidates, here follows a selection of the 10 most popular aired on YouTube during the US presidential campaign:
– “Mitt Romney Style” – a parody of South Korea’s hugely popular Gangnam Style song starring a Mitt Romney look-alike (10.7 million views)
– “Tired of Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney” – the words spoken by an exasperated, tearful four-year-old girl captured on camera (9.8 million views)
– “Homer Votes 2012” — Homer Simpson decides to vote for Mitt Romney and gets outsourced to China in this short animation film (7.7 million views):
– “Eye of the Sparrow” – a spoof lip read of the first 2012 presidential debate, mocks Obama’s lethargic performance (7.5 million views)
– “Whedon on Romney” – Joss Whedon, director of the “The Avengers”, films a satirical video endorsing Mitt Romney as the right man for a “Zombie Apocalypse” (6.2 million views)
– “Original Obamaphone Lady: — Woman in Ohio claims she is voting for Obama because he gives all minorities free phones (5.5 million views)
– “Obama Loses His SH*T” – Comedy duo Key & Peele portray Obama addressing Americans, while his anger translator helps him get his real message across (4.7 million views)
– “Big Bird” – a satirical video put together by Team Obama featuring the Sesame Street star, poking fun at Romney’s ‘Big Bird’ comment during the first debate (3.5 million views)
– “Mitt Romney on Obama voters” – a secret recording of a Romney fundraiser during which he dismisses 47 percent of Americans as government dependents (3.22 million views)
– “Clint Eastwood” – speech at the Republican National Convention, made memorable for his mock conversation with an empty chair meant to represent Obama (2.4 million views)