UXMNL kicks off May 2015 Summit, features Aussie industry experts


MANILA, Philippines – From the same group that brought you ‘UX Beyond the Screen’, the largest turnout for a user experience workshop held in Makati City, Philippines, UXMNL (User Experience Manila) will be welcoming two Australian experts to grace and speak at UXMNL’s May 29-30 2015 Summit.

On day one, UXMNL opens the event by inviting UXMastery founder and UXMNL crowd favorite, Matthew Magain. Matt’s web career includes his invaluable contribution to esteemed companies such as IBM and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. He has also graced and spoke as an industry authority to companies such as Microsoft REMIX, Tech Ed and UX Australia.

During his one-day-only workshop, Matt will be discussing in detail the necessity of Innovation in the workplace and why it is no longer a luxury practitioners should turn a blind eye to. Highlights of his lecture include: understanding the creative process, the framework of structured creative thinking, the transition to collaborative design to using such skills in a real case study, the redesigning of an ecommerce website. True to his mission, this Engineer says he’s here to “give you skills that could change your career, and possibly, your life.”

Day two of the event, UXMNL has on board Australia’s very own UX conference designer and organizer, Donna Spencer. With a 14 year career in the UX industry, Donna has three published books under her belt specifically Information Architecture, writing for the web and card sorting, while also being the technical editor for Smashing Magazine. Internationally recognized as a leading UX practitioner, Donna is an in-demand judge for leading web and design awards.

In a Skype interview, Donna mentions that Information Architecture is different from what it was before to what it is now. Given so much information in a typical website, people couldn’t navigate or find information easily. With no reference materials available back then, Donna and specialists like her had to figure things out by themselves and solve these issues from scratch.

When asked if Information Architecture is simply a trend, Donna says“we will always need to help people find and use information whether that is via screen, phone, etc. There will always be some form of navigation. The medium might be changing but there will always be a need for information to be accessed. This is where Information Architecture comes in”.

On the second day of the event, Donna brings together years of industry knowledge on developing killer Information Architecture with talking points on: Designing sites that help users find what they want, organisational scheme(s) best for your content, conducting user research that develops architecture, how core IA theories, such as metadata, classification, and categorisation affect your site’s success, developing content analysis and a solid IA structure and concluding it with designing effective navigation and page layouts.

Who are encouraged to attend her workshop? Donna says professionals who work on the internet or their website and practically anyone dealing with information technology on a regular basis, will greatly benefit from this course.

The event will take place in either Makati City or Bonifacio Global City.


User Experience Manila (UXMNL) founders Russell Morgan and Phil Smithson, seasoned UX experts, have made it their life’s work to bring effective web design and functional user experience to the Philippines through hands on lectures and workshops. The objective of these courses is to encourage a community of digital professionals to look at the next web project not as a design problem but as an opportunity to create compelling, powerful yet practical design and web usability that answers the users needs and concerns from the get go without having to compromise aesthetic flair. Based in Manila, Philippines, UXMNL is the the first agency dedicated to user experience services, providing fresh, user-centric approach to software development whose main goal is to make outstanding customer experiences in the Philippines the norm. They want to teach users and customers to expect outstanding experiences and to teach creators how to create them.

With the recent successes of their April 5 2014 workshop ‘UX Beyond the Screen’ , their July 2014 ‘Introduction to User Experience Design’, and their March 2015 ‘How to deliver an outstanding digital experience in 2015’, UXMNL will be launching yet again another must-attend event on May 29-30 2015 that features industry experts on design and Information Architecture, Australians Matthew Magain and Donna Spencer.

Make sure to book your tickets now. Limited slots are available for this information-packed workshop!

https:// www.uxmnl.com/uxsummit2015