NASA wants you, to go to Mars


Ever wanted to become an astronaut? NASA is actively seeking out explorers to go to Mars. Image from NASA

Mars has always held a special place in NASA’s heart when it comes to space exploration. Now in what is reminiscent of propaganda-like recruitment for a war effort in space (Starship Troopers), NASA is actively seeking out more individuals to become part of the Mars exploration mission.

From pilots, to doctors, to teachers, and possibly even farmers in the future, NASA is on the lookout for explorers brave enough (and qualified enough) to become astronauts on Mars.

According to a NASA press release, the agency has selected over 300 astronauts to date. They are still looking to expand the roster for tackling increasingly challenging missions in the future.

For now, astronaut candidates must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in biological science, physical science, mathematics, or engineering. Advanced degrees are most welcome as well as at least three years of experience in the relevant field. 1000 hours of pilot-in-command time in a jet aircraft is also acceptable. Finally, candidates must pass the physical for long-duration spaceflight. Yup, every job requires a physical exam.

You can check out some of the other recruitment posters that NASA has available here. Alfred Bayle