Hacker’s board-pass app grants access to deluxe airport lounges
With a few impressive coding skills, a hacker has made his way to unlimited access to Europe’s swanky airport lounges.
Przemek Jaroszewski, head of Poland’s Computer Emergency Response Team and a frequent traveler, created an Android app that serves as his “ticket” to airport lounges even without a valid boarding pass. He decided to craft his sweet revenge after he was denied access to an airport lounge at Warsaw Airport.
In his YouTube video below, the hacker demonstrates how his app generates the QR code by faking his identity. Later on, he effortlessly swipes the QR code at Turkish Airlines’ Istanbul airport lounge.
The app generated a QR code used to enter any airport lounge, complete with a fake name, an accurate flight number, destination, and class, according to reports from Mirror and Wired. Jaroszewski said that technical flaws in the automated boarding pass reader could deny tourists and flyers entry to any fancy local and international airport lounge.
The fraudulent boarding pass grants any user other perks reserved for first-class passengers, including first-lane boarding access and duty-free privileges.
Nevertheless, during his presentation of the app’s features at the Defcon security conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Sunday, Jaroszewski maintained that he will not share his precious app to the public. He stressed that any user should have a genuine boarding pass. Gianna Francesca Catolico