Samsung puts up site to check Galaxy Note 7 IMEI number
Samsung is providing customers the means to check whether or not their Note 7 is affected by a faulty battery and advises that it be brought in immediately for replacement. Screengrabbed from Samsung
Samsung is sparing no expense to rectify the damage done to the company’s image due to the faulty batteries that were installed in a number of Galaxy Note 7 devices. As another measure to regain public trust, the company has just put up a site that will allow Note 7 users to check whether their device is in danger of catching fire.
The site offers instructions on how to check if a Note 7 needs to be turned in for a battery replacement through the phone’s IMEI number, reports The Verge.
A phone’s IMEI number can be found in the Settings menu or by dialing *#06# on the phone app. It can also be found on the box that the phone came with in case some owners are too wary to power up their devices.
In case a device is found to be affected, it is strongly advised that it be brought to the store where it wa bought immediately rather than risk personal injury or property damage. Click this link to access the site. Alfred Bayle