WATCH: Hedgehog paw authentication is next security level
These days, security is such an issue that some are willing to go to great lengths to secure their personal data. And when conventional biometrics is not enough, one can always get a pet hedgehog to secure an iPhone.
Passwords can always get hacked one way or another. Hackers will always find a way to root, jailbreak and unlock any security system that big companies can think off. Enter Sashimi the hedgehog.
According to a Gizmodo report, Sashimi is a one-of-a-kind hedgehog whose Hong Kong-based owner trusts in securing her iPhone through the built-in Touch ID feature. With one paw touch, the iPhone unlocks and will only do so for Sashimi and her owner.
Apart from security and peace of mind, people who would adapt this system also get to take a cute little hedgehog with them wherever they go. Alfred Bayle