Samsung to release Note 7 investigation results on January 23
Hopefully, with Samsung’s findings, the Galaxy Note 7 case can be put to rest and the company can focus on improving their products and regaining customer confidence. Image: Samsung
When the exploding Galaxy Note 7 fiasco made headlines, Samsung assigned hundreds of engineers to find out the cause, but they couldn’t figure it out – until now.
Unofficial sources have indicated that Samsung was finally able to replicate the circumstances that caused the Note 7 to catch fire, and it pointed to a battery problem, as initially speculated by the company, reports Engadget.
However, considering that Samsung had already attempted to change the battery unit in the Note 7 before, they will need to provide a very convincing breakdown of how batteries from two different manufacturers (Samsung SDI and ATL) still managed to get Note 7s burned to a crisp.
It is also to Samsung’s benefit to explain the steps they are taking to prevent the same disaster from occurring on the S8 and other succeeding Samsung smartphones.
Whatever the findings are, the announcement come January 23 (Monday next week) is expected to enable Samsung to finally focus again on regaining its lost following. Alfred Bayle