Hoverbike built by Russian company for extreme sports

Scorpio-3 hoverbike by Hoversurf

Image: YouTube/Hoversurf official

As the Ehang 184 prepares for flight over the skies of Dubai, a Russian company is building its own version of a transportation drone.

Scorpio-3 is a single-seat, electric-powered “hoverbike” created by Hoversurf. It’s actually more of an oversized quadcopter drone, much like the Ehang but minus the enclosed passenger seat. It was created as “an extreme sports instrument,” reports The Verge.

Hoversurf says that they intend for “amateur and professional navigators” to make use of the Scorpio-3. With such an exposed and precarious pilot’s seat, this is one ride where it’s best to keep all hands and feet within the vehicle.

The design for the Scorpio-3 was said to have been inspired by heavy-duty sport-utility motorbike frames. Movement is likened to surfing through the air by changing the vehicle’s altitude and direction.

The Scorpio-3 is definitely a cool-looking piece of modern engineering. However, considering the proximity of the rotors to the rider’s feet, it certainly can qualify as an extreme vehicle. Alfred Bayle/JB


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